Intuition and the Creation of a Better World

Intuitive Service

Ariyaratne, A.T.

A diseased society will always pollute its air, water and food, destroy the ecological balance and psychological harmony and violate all ethical values. The Millennium of the Mind demands us to look within ourselves and practice concentration to clean our minds of all thoughts springing from sense bases and leave space for intuitive wisdom and potential to flourish.

A.T. Ariyaratne, From a Decade of the Brain to a Millennium of the Mind : address to the Sri Lanka Medical Association, Kandy - March 24, 1999

Bache, Christopher

In lecturing there is a moment that comes when a student has asked a question or when you are searching for just the right example to communicate a difficult concept to a particular group of students, with their distinctive capacities and limitations. There is a pause in the flow of your mind, a break in the continuity of thinking. These moments are choice points, opportunities for intuition to transform an otherwise predictable lecture into a lively improvisational exercise. A good teacher learns to enter these moments often, to reach deeply into the possibilities they present, and to use the inspiration that flows from them to do one's work more effectively. Through them the new and unprecedented enters the room.

Christopher Bache, Dark Night, Early Dawn: Steps to a Deep Ecology of Mind, p. 188

Bailey, Alice

[Intermediate] between the great planetary centres, a group of those who can meditate creatively can be found.... I refer to all who - in quiet reflection, focussed appeal and with a true background of knowledge - are able to "think through" into a higher state of consciousness than the one of which they are normally aware; in that higher state they arrive at those intuitional and spiritual "discoveries" which can produce the seed of a new creation, or which can open up (for those unable thus to meditate) a new field of possible awareness. The motive of all such group meditation must be selfless service; the keynote of all such groups is creativity....

Alice Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II, p. 200

Bailey, Alice

I urge ... upon each and all ... the necessity for renewed effort to fit themselves for service by a conscious and deliberate effort to develop the intuition and to achieve illumination. Every human being who reaches the goal of light and wisdom automatically has a field of influence which extends both up and down, and which reaches both inwards to the source of light and outwards into the "fields of darkness". When he has thus attained he will become a conscious centre of life giving force, and will be so without effort. He will stimulate, energise and vivify to fresh efforts all lives that he contacts, be they his fellow aspirants, or an animal, or a flower. He will act as a transmitter of light in the darkness. He will dispel the glamour around him and let in the radiance of reality.

Alice Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, pp. 537 - 538

Bailey, Alice

[Service] is a soul instinct, if we may use such an inadequate expression and is, therefore, innate and peculiar to soul unfoldment. It is the outstanding characteristic of the soul, just as desire is the outstanding characteristic of the lower nature.... It is the urge to group good. It cannot, therefore, be taught or imposed upon a person as a desirable evidence of aspiration, functioning from without and based upon a theory of service. It is simply the first real effect, evidenced upon the physical plane, of the fact that the soul is beginning to express itself in outer manifestation....

Service itself is definitely the result of a tremendous inner happening, and when that result is brought about, it will be found to have produced a number of creative secondary causes. These are, primarily, a change in the lower consciousness, a tendency to turn away from the things of the personal self to the larger issues of the group, a reorientation which is real and expressive and a power to change conditions (through creative activity) which is the demonstration of something dynamically new.

Alice Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, Vol. II, pp. 125 - 133

Bergman, Ciel

Art may not change anything ... but the ideas we have about ourselves we project into the world ... Negative images have a way of coming alive just as positive images have. If we project images of beauty, hope, healing, courage, survival, co-operation, interrelatedness, serenity, imagination and harmony, this will have a positive effect. Imagine what artists could do if they became committed to the long-term good of the planet. The possibilities are beyond imagination. If all artists would ever pull together for the survival of humankind, it would be a power such as the world has never known.

Ciel Bergman

Okri, Ben

... to see anew is not enough. We must also create our new lives, everday, with will and light and love.

Ben Okri, Songs of Enchantment. London, Vintage, 1994. p. 291

Whyte, David

Whether it is a place like Galapagos or a place like our office, if we are serious about our work we tend to find ourselves apprenticed to something much larger than we expected, something that calls on more of our essence than we previously imagined, something seemingly raw and overpowering. The young, exhausted lawyer glimpses, late one evening, the enormous commitment needed for her future partnership; the apprentice violin maker can only marvel at the older man's simultaneous ease and absolute precision with the tiny wood plane. Seemingly superhuman forces always call on individual human beings to simplify themselves. A kind of simplification, achieved day by day, hour by hour, in our given work, right into the essence of what needs to be done. That simplified essence can terrify us …. And that simplified essence is not to be found so easily, as T. S. Eliot indicated, using the metaphor of the sea so brilliantly. It seems to be hidden, between the waves themselves, because indeed, newly arrived at the edge, we have not yet developed the faculties that will allow us to see the pattern in full.
Not known, because not looked for
But heard, half heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.
Quick now, here, now, always -
A condition of complete simplicity
(Costing not less than everything) ...

T.S. Eliot Four Quartets

David Whyte, Crossing the Unknown Sea : Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity. New York, Riverhead Books, 2002, pp 39-40

Rogers, Carl

When I am at my best, as a group facilitator or as a therapist, I discover another characteristic. I find that when I am closest to my inner, intuitive self, when I am somehow in touch with the unknown in me, when perhaps I am in a slightly altered state of consciousness, then whatever I do seems to be full of healing. Then, simply my presence is releasing and helpful to the other. There is nothing I can do to force this experience, but when I can relax and be close to the transcendent core of me, then I may behave in strange and impulsive ways in the relationship, ways which I cannot justify rationally, which have nothing to do with my thought processes. But these strange behaviours turn out to be right, in some odd way: it seems that my inner spirit has reached out and touched the inner spirit of the other. Our relationship transcends itself and becomes a part of something larger. Profound growth and healing and energy are present.

Carl Rogers, A Way of Being. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, p. 129

Lithman, Alan Sasha

A progressive egolessness, sincerity and humility ... are essential pre-conditions to prepare us individually and as a species for the right use of power and will. In fact ... our very survival through this evolutionary initiation and its fiery rite of passage depends on these adaptive qualities; predicated on the selfless understanding that what we call "our" will, "our" power, in fact belongs to a diviner, infinitely-wiser and more compassionate Self we have yet to become. In which case, we must replace the egoic reflex-to-possess with the will to be trustworthy intermediaries, stewards and trustees for this emergent Evolutionary Power; consciously initiated into its right use and the ways to receive it; willingly surrendering all egoic motivation, attraction and claim for that Power in the humbling recognition that what is all-creative in the hands of the Divine turns all-destructive in the grip of the ego.

Alan Sasha Lithman, An Evolutionary Agenda for the Third Millennium: A Primer for the Mutation of Consciousness. Ashland, Oregon, White Cloud, 2003, p. 89

King, Martin Luther Jr.

It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. We are made to live together because of the interrelated structure of reality. … This is the way our universe is structured, this is its interrelated quality. We aren't going to have peace on earth until we recognize this basic fact of the interrelated structure of all reality.

Martin Luther King Jr, A Christmas Sermon for Peace, Ebenezer Baptist Church 1967.

Harris, Sam

What the world most needs at this moment is a means of convincing human beings to embrace the whole of the species as their moral community. For this we need to develop an utterly nonsectarian way of talking about the full spectrum of human experience and human aspiration. We need a discourse on ethics and spirituality that is every bit as unconstrained by dogma and cultural prejudice as the discourse of science is. What we need, in fact, is a contemplative science, a modern approach to exploring the furthest reaches of psychological well-being.

Sam Harris, ‘Killing the Buddha’ in Shamballa Sun, March 2006. p. 75

Milton, John

In earlier years, my professional background focused on first helping to birth the environmental movement. Then I specialized on ecological studies, uncovering suppressed ecological and economic development issues, helping create national and international environmental policies, Alaskan wilderness protection, saving Earth's rapidly-dwindling tropical forests and on preserving the planet's rapidly vanishing wilderness. After immersing myself in creating these and other major environmental initiatives for many years, I became convinced that political, legal and economic approaches did not go deep enough. These outer initiatives could not alone bring about the penetrating changes in human culture that we need for people to live in true harmony and balance with the Earth. The next great opening of ecological view would have to be an internal one.

John Milton, "About the Founder of Sacred Passage and the Way of Nature: Carla Brennan Interviewing John P. Milton ." May 1996. 6 October 2010.

Schumacher, E.F.

What is to take the place of the soul and life-destroying metaphysics inherited from the nineteenth century? The task of our generation, I have no doubt, is one of metaphysical reconstruction.

E.F. Schumacher, Small is Beautiful, London, Blond & Briggs, 1973. P. 106

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