Intuition and the Creation of a Better World

Bloom, John

Those who have walked a labyrinth with an open heart know the power of the experience. Its path is a ritual journey from the threshold at the entrance to a more metaphoric threshold at the center — a path of discovery and self-knowledge. Walking the path, one feels part of some deep archetypal world filled with energetic and intuitional processes. Once at the center, one can travel no farther on the horizontal plane of the earth. Instead, the journey becomes vertical, traveling from the gravitation stillness of the feet on the earth and up through the uprightness of the spine toward the sky. It is on this vertical axis that one turns to commence the outward journey. It is a beautiful and powerful moment, that merging of vertical and horizontal. It is a private journey in which my inner and outer self meet and through integration make meaning together.

John Bloom, The Genius of Money, Great Barrington, Steiner Books, 2009, p. 58

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