Intuition and the Creation of a Better World

Macy, Joanna

Recognizing the creative powers of imagery, many call us today to come up with visions of a benign future ÷ visions which can beckon and inspire. Images of hope are potent, necessary: they shape our goals and give us impetus for reaching them. Often they are invoked too soon, however. Like the demand for instant solutions, such expectations can stultify ÷ providing us with an escape from the despair we may feel, while burdening us with the task of aridly designing a new Eden. Genuine visioning happens from the roots up, and these roots for many are shrivelled by unacknowledged despair. Many of us are in an in-between time, groping in the dark with shattered beliefs and faltering hopes, and we need images for that in-between time if we are to work through it.

Joanna Macy, World as Lover, World as Self, p. 25

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